Contests and Prizes


These are some bobbles that can help attract new listeners and help entertain the established ones. Contests and games should be short, easy and fun and/or enlightening. The short and easy part is the old “K.I.S.S.” principle (keep it simple stupid). Simple enough for listeners to be able to listen and play along in the car or at work without too much distraction -- do not make them jump through hoops for a chance to win. It is good when the contest or game has a payoff, not just the prize, but maybe something the listener can enjoy and/or gain knowledge from.

Americans are noted for loving trivia, about artists, music, TV, politicians ... practically anything. The game or contest can be simple or difficult: you can have a big payoff - a car or a trip ... and just do the basic - be caller 10 to get qualified -or- a small payoff - for a free Big Mac a listener will fall all over him/herself to get to the phone just to simply answer: who was Mary Richards boss?  ... Listeners love to test themselves - they love to be a part of the show and a part of “their” radio station.


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