Trapper II


Trapper II

Click photo to see full size picture!

Photo's Below

Dedicated to my dear pal Trapper II.


Since this tragedy and I call it a tragedy because it came so unexpectedly! There were signs that we didn't know how to read!!!

So, what I have learned is that you cannot put 100% trust in your Vet... you must be PROACTIVE and use the internet to help you. We had Trapper at a New Vet's clinic in the fall for some chewing issues but, while there, we had discussed some of the symptoms that turned out to be signs of the issue that took him from us!! This new Doctor did not tell us of the impending problem... probably because she didn't know or didn't remember. But, a simple check on the internet and all his symptoms combined pointed to only one area... sinus problems... i.e.. infection, bacteria, fungus or tumor. I also discovered that sinus tumors normally occur in dogs 2-12 yrs of age. Now this is what really honked me off.... these tumors are MOST COMMON IN 10 YEAR OLD DOGS!!! That is exactly what it said. Of course Trapper II was 10 years old. NOT ONE VET TOLD US THIS!!!

So, IF I had been proactive and had done my research, maybe, just maybe, I might have been able to get it treated or cured OR at the very least I would have been prepared for the loss. So, my advise to you and everyone is; BE PROACTIVE!!! By educating yourself as to your pets potential problems you will have the ammunition to ask the right questions and you might point out a possibility that your Vet hadn't considered (they are human too) and save your pet's life!!!! Remember "Knowledge is POWER!! Be POWERFUL FOR YOUR PET!!!" I can't express how sorry I am for this TRAGEDY, because I might have been able to prevent it!!!

The following 2 pictures are not a pretty sight... but, I'm angry at me for not being able to see the problem AND if I had had the money that night at the emergency clinic, I would have authorized the test(s) that might have saved his life. So, I'll leave them here to help me remember the value of life!! He had no idea he was in trouble... and frankly, neither did I... I really didn't ... 2 days later he was gone!

February 10, 2010 He was bleeding from his nose... and I knew I would want Dr. Frizzell opinion so I shot a couple quick pictures.


These pictures were taken Friday May 7, 1999... I'm guessing that Trapper was at least 8 weeks old


June 7, 2009 - Trapper with Tyler... I'm not certain but, I think that sleeping on his back made it easier to breath with his sinus tumor? At the time, I just thought it was cute!!


August 17, 2004  These are already full size


December, 2006 through February 2007 - 6 Years Old. Some of these pictures are really big!!


February 10, 2010 - Terry shoveled a couple paths for Trapper so he didn't have to wade through snow to get to his favorite potty area! Either the day before or the day of his death, he bounded through the snow from the end of one path to the other... other than that damn tumor he was a healthy guy!!


November 26, 2009 - Thanksgiving at 15


May 25, 2009 - Memorial Day Celebration at 15
1st 2 pics he is scratching his butt on the cup holder.


January 20, 2008 - Just some cute pictures
Tim put his blanket over Trapper's head when he was waking up.


September 2, 2007 - Labor Day Celebration at 15


July 18, 2006 - 6 Years Old... in the back yard.


First Picture below was dated: June 23, 1999... he was maybe 4 months old!!
May 31, 2002 These pics are practically full size... Trap was 2 and Tim was almost 2 yrs old.


Dear Friends and Family,


As I wrote on my facebook page: In our lives we travel various roads and along the way we meet souls that effect us in many ways, 11 years ago I had to say good bye to one such soul, when I had to have my best friend Trapper I put to sleep. Today I had to say good bye to another such soul... Trapper II. I cannot express the heaviness my heart feels. Watch for his memorial web page. Good Bye pal... Love Ya!


Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I have been asked what happened and I figured I might as well try to tell you all at once.


About a month ago, Trapper had a sneezing fit and his nose started to bleed. I comforted him and cleaned him up and the bleeding stopped. I didn't think much more about it. Looking back, it was then that he started "snorting" when we had our nightly cuddle and scratch session before going to sleep. He would cuddle and I would scratch (or Terry if she were here). We both thought the snorting was just becoming part of the nightly ritual. Also, he was rubbing his face with his paws (being cute was the command I had taught him) and he would rub his face on the carpet or blanket more than usual. Another thing he was doing was sleeping on his back with his paws up and leaning on my leg. I just thought this was another little trend he was going through. I don't know if all these things were a reaction to his problem but, the more I ponder them, the more I have to wonder.


On Wednesday (2.10.10) he had a sneezing and snorting episode that started his nose bleeding so badly we took him to the local emergency animal hospital. They offered very little in the way of answers OR solutions. The one thing we took away from the visit (besides a few tranquilizers to lower his blood pressure and relax him) was that the only thing this really pointed to was sinus tumor… after many questions and scenarios and possibilities… still the prognosis was dire. I held out hope that they were wrong. I composed an extensive letter to Doc Frizzell with a scan of the Vet invoice and a couple pictures of Trapper (nobody could ascertain anything from those photos) during the episode and email it over for his analysis. Doc conferred with another surgeon and could offer no more than we had without actually seeing Trapper. Our primary care vet recently closed her office and decent replacement had yet to be found. I called an old friend in the area and was directed to a small town vet down the road.


Today, without any adverse episodes, we took Trapper for a follow up visit to this new Vet. Everything seemed normal. We got there and went into the exam room and the gal came in to get his temp and he got a little worked up and then started to sneeze, violent sneezes… then the blood started. Worse than ever the blood flew with every sneeze. He shook his head and more blood. The Doctor agreed to an x-ray and examination… they sedated Trapper and we waited. After a long agonizing and tearful half hour or so, they showed us the x-rays and they showed NOTHING. Trapper was still bleeding and it was filling his lungs, they inserted a tube to remove the blood… After discussing the prognosis with the Doctor and with Mom and with Terry… I made the call that his quality of life would be the dice were would be throwing… sure the cost would be high but, Mom indicated that she would help but, even IF it were a tumor and IF they could successfully remove it, there was a chance it might be malignant and therefore he might have 6 more months and no guarantee his quality of life would be anything but miserable. After all this information, we found out that Trapper had lost so much blood he would need a blood transfusion just to get him to a facility that could perform the scoping test and the surgery and he still might not be a candidate for the whole procedure due to his loss of blood. It was obvious that the only thing to do was to make sure he did not suffer. As Doc Frizzell pointed out in a kind email “At least we know in our hearts that we did all we could, and we didn't let the pet suffer so that we could keep them around for OUR sakes.”

I called Timothy to let him know of our loss and he was not home but, his mother told him and he called and was crying as badly as I was. I sat down to write this email and he called again… he was online searching for a dog for me… I suggested that it might be a little soon to be looking for another… Tim said “Dad you need a dog!!” Oh boy, more tears. Terry has tried to offer comfort and as I told Mom… she is crying as much or more than me!! Ha-ha, some help!

Not many moments have passed without tightness in my throat or a tear in my eye. I expect to hear his tags jingle on his collar. I move my chair back from the desk and look back to make sure I’m not going to roll over one of his big teddy bear paws. And when I go to bed tonight there will be those empty moments when he would normally climb up the chair to the bed for our cuddle session. I know this will all pass with time and most likely there will be a Trapper III… but until then, I guess that Tim, Terry and I and all that loved the little guy will do what we all do after a great loss… survive.

Love and thanks,



The following are picture of Trapper II, the cutest dog EVER!!
He stood approximately 18-19" (at withers) and weight (ideal) 40-45lbs
I found some puppy picture of him and they are at the bottom of page.